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Dodał: Hagbard

Clancy claims to be enlightened from his previous adventure and decides to head to the planet Blank Ball; taking on his own exact appearance, but made of cream. He immediately grows bored and pulls out a water slide. He digs into his pack to look for a water hose and falls into another world where he meets Death, who takes on the form of a typical grim reaper, but with a fun eyeball. Clancy decides to interview Death while they traverse their strange surroundings in search of a small foolish creature who has made off with the water hose. The conversation goes into the American institutionalized view of death and how history has made people believe various misinformation about it. They eventually catch up with the fool where Death kills him with ping pong balls (his predicted death). Clancy almost dies from falling from a cliff, but Death tells him he dies in a swivel chair. Clancy finally rides the water slide and returns home where he tosses out his swivel chair before admitting that being enlightened was embarrassing.

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W katalogu: The Midnight Gospel
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Komentarze do: The Midnight Gospel 07. Turtles of the Eclipse
Najlepsze komentarze
anonim232 (*.*.120.232) 2022-11-30 16:33:23 0
przypomina mi się książka rozmowa mistrza polikarpa ze śmiercią wręcz mam wrażenie że autor pory na przygodę oraz tego dzieła inspirował się nim Odpowiedz
Autoodtwarzanie następnego wideo
