Clancy earns a new subscriber named Daniel Hoops who wants Clancy to get him some ice cream. He heads to an Ass Cream planet, which is actually a world that has been completely flooded and meets a fish man named Darryl who has an entire crew composed of cats. Together, they crew an elaborate ship with non-Euclidean geometry. Clancy helps him acquire a special device that allows them to traverse a section of the world that is covered in ice. Darryl explains how his stint in prison helped him redefine the term magic to meaning anything that someone can achieve on a spiritual level such as Buddhism. He notes that western magical paths, such like that espoused by Aleister Crowley, are intended to achieve enlightenment in one lifetime. He further explains how meditation is key to achieving magic and how the Bible when read correctly can be understood as magic. They encounter a sleeping giant named Barry and go inside his ear where Darryl transforms himself into a giant to fight Barry over a past aggression. They end up causing their own world to explode as Clancy takes an ice cream unicorn he found and returns home. He sends the ice cream and some gifts to Daniel. He accepts them, but is beaten by his father, an important politician, for having them.
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