Having thrown up on the rose, Clancy realizes he needs to revive it with music. He takes a new avatar, a rainbow named Nell Noheem, and discovers that the computer has made a planet called Moon R3T8 which houses lost souls who have cut out their tongues in a prison. Clancy crashes through the prison, which houses souls of characters from the previous episodes, and gets entangled with a prisoner named Bob who has a soul bird named Jason. Bob finds himself trying to escape the prison; every time he dies his heart is checked and he has to relive his escape until he gets it right. Jason discusses with Clancy the concept of self-awareness and accepting that all souls are connected and thrive on the belief systems that we have set in place. Bob eventually manages to successfully escape without killing anyone, but still dies by getting impaled on a stalagmite. His heart is good however and becomes a clock that alters time. He uses it to escape the prison and he regrows his tongue and sings. The simulation ends and Clancy returns home where he discovers that the rose is encased in a shrine for rats who want healing, or as Clancy puts it they became some kind of cult and shoos them away.
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