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Dodał: Unveiled
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Opublikowano: 2017-11-05

What If We Are Alone In The Universe?

Voice over:

What Would Happen If The Sun Suddenly Disappeared?

The question whether life exists elsewhere other than just on Earth has remained a mysterious one for quite some time. It is doubtful that we are alone taking into consideration the limitless and vastness of the universe. If anything, the last two decades have revealed more to humans about the universe than ever before.

Many thanks to the Kepler Space Telescope. Discoveries that were made a while back indicate that on average there is one planet orbiting every star in the immense universe. Notably, it is correct to say that there are more than 100 billion planets in our galaxy alone. With a hundred billion galaxies in the universe, the total number of planets in the universe is unimaginable.

However, to conceptualize how vast the universe is, astronomers believe there are 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (10 to the power of 22) planets in the whole universe.

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), for instance, in 2014 discussed the search for Earth resembling planets. These Earth-like planets could be hosting life. The space agency reckoned that in a few decades to come, the suspicions that indeed humans are not alone are going to be proved if not confirmed. In that same year, the Kepler Space Telescope recorded information of planets much like the Earth. The most exciting thing about these planets is that they are in what is called the habitable zone of a star.

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