Użyta ścieżka dźwiękowa:
Jah moon - Clarinet reggae beat
#1, #2 - World Drug Report 2008. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. Accessed: December 2, 2008.
#3 - U.S. Office of National Drug Control Policy. "Marijuana Facts & Figures." Accessed: February 10, 2009.
#4, #6, #8 - Booth, Martin. 2003. Cannabis: A History. London, England: Doubleday.
#5, #7 - Abel, Ernest L. 1980. Marihuana: The First Twelve Thousand Years. New York, NY: Plenum Press
#9, # 10 - Chapkis, Wendy and Richard Webb. 2008. Dying to Get High: Marijuana as Medicine. New York, NY: New York University Press.
Kategoria: Różności
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