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Dodał: Nesuwah

The video was made by me to honour this beautiful, and yet so underappreciated that nearily unknown among general public, song that I fell in love instantenously with, right after hearing it for the first time.... There was something so magical, so beautiful, so.... I just... Im still crying to this day, hearing it... It means so much to me.... In this little video I did my best to express the duality that often comes alongside love, as general part of it, and makes things we would normally never found fitting to eachother, a perfect, ballanced, passionate whole. For what is love if not the ying-yang of our very souls and hearts? Enjoy guys. I believe that all of You could find Yourself in those beautiful lyrics.

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Komentarze do: Dreaming Back To The Nine Dragons Dynasty (HITA feat Assenjie) [LYRICS + TRANSLATION]
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