When She Was Bad (1979):
Stressed by a recent move and being a stay-at-home mom, Teeny takes out her bottled-up rage on her daughter Robbie. Only the help of her friends, family and counselors can stop her from harming Robbie and herself.
Director: Peter H. Hunt
Writer: Carmen Culver
Stars: Cheryl Ladd, Robert Urich, Eileen Brennan
Im Not in Love:
This confusing yet clever modus operandi by 10cc made it possible to interpret their songs from a number of different angles. From one angle, Im Not in Love is a beautifully crafted song that captures a scorned lover in a state of tormented denial. From another angle, the song is a parody of itself, mocking the extroverted romanticism of the lush recording. Emotionally engaging or coolly farcical, the literate wordplay and impeccable production allow these alternate impressions to exist.
Kategoria: Muzyka
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