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Komentarze do: Moja nowa książka - Jacek Międlar
Najlepsze komentarze
anonim () 2020-11-06 19:42:25 0
yasmine666 2020-10-28 15:30:24 0
When most men thrust deeply, they pull back all the way, which rubs the head of their penis – their most sensitive spot –
against the full length of their partner’s vagina. If you have difficulty getting or maintaining an erection, this in-out deep
thrust is especially valuable (see the Soft Entry exercise). However, as you can imagine, this thrust is also highly arousing
and ordinarily leads to quick ejaculation.
For this reason, the Taoist masters developed the up-down deep thrust. This thrust uses the base of your penis, which is
your least sensitive spot, to stimulate your partner’s clitoris, which is her most sensitive spot (see figure 21). The benefits
for postponing ejaculation are obvious. Instead of pulling back, you can stay deep inside your partner and thrust up and
down repeatedly. This is especially important when she is in the midst of orgasming and wants you deep inside her but
you are close to the edge. Odpowiedz
anonim () 2020-10-23 14:30:47 0
O ludzie! Oddajcie cześć waszemu Panu, który stworzył was
i tych, którzy byli przed wami. Być może staniecie się bogo-
On to rozpostarł dla was ziemię niczym posłanie, a niebo
uczynił kopułą i zesłał z nieba wodę, dzięki której wyrosły
owoce na wasze zaopatrzenie. Nie dodawajcie więc Bogu po-
dobnych, skoro już wiecie.
Jeśli wątpicie w to, co zesłaliśmy Naszemu słudze, to przynie-
ście rozdział podobny do tego i przywołajcie swoich świad-
ków, oprócz Boga, jeśli mówicie prawdę.
Jeśli tego nie uczynicie – a z pewnością nie uczynicie – to
bójcie się tego ognia, którego paliwem będą ludzie i kamienie.
On przygotowany jest dla niewiernych.
Wierzących i czyniących dobro uraduj wieścią, że dla nich
będą Ogrody, wśród których płyną strumienie. Zawsze, gdy
będą zaopatrzeni w owoce z nich, będą mówić: „To jest za-
opatrzenie, jakie dostaliśmy niegdyś”. I ono jest do niego po-
dobne. Będą tam również dla nich małżonki czyste. I tam za-
mieszkają na wieki. Odpowiedz
anonim8 (*.*.102.8) 2020-10-17 18:12:18 0
As ejaculatory control begins with breathing, so too does passion, and the first signal you will have of your lover’s desire
is a change in her breathing, which will become increasingly rapid and shallow. According to Su Nü, if her nostrils flare
and her mouth widens and she embraces you with both arms, she wants your and her genitals to touch. When her body
quivers, she wants you to touch her genitals gently, If her face becomes flushed, she wants you to play with the head of
your penis around her mons, and when she stretches out her legs, she wants you to rub the head of your penis against
her clitoris and the entrance to her vagina.
Su Nü continues: If her nipples harden and she pushes out her belly, slowly and shallowly enter her. If her throat is dry
and she swallows saliva, slowly begin to move inside her. If she starts to move her bottom, she is experiencing great
pleasure. If her vagina is well lubricated or if she raises her legs to encircle you, enter her more deeply. If she presses her
thighs together, her pleasure is becoming overwhelming. If she moves from side to side, she wants you to thrust deeply
from side to side. If she is perspiring enough to dampen the sheets or she straightens her body and closes her eyes, she
wants to orgasm. If she arches her body against yours, her pleasure has peaked. If she stretches out and relaxes,
pleasure fills her entire body. If her vaginal secretions spread down her thighs and over her buttocks, she is fully satisfied
and you should slowly withdraw. Odpowiedz
anonim () 2020-10-05 13:43:57 0
Oh mein Fürher! Odpowiedz
lovermiejski wysłano z m.cda.pl 2020-09-23 16:12:29 0
Hailujesz lewą? Odpowiedz
Autoodtwarzanie następnego wideo

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