Trailer of the upcoming alternative release
Siedlisko movie with elements of horror cinema.
This is the version of the films director, originally a movie
it was to have a soundtrack composed of formations
Deep-pression and its leader Rh-, this team created its own
own niche, not only in ambient theology but creating
their own style referred to by them as DeepCreep.
Similarly with the filmmaking of director Lethargus,
which I like like the founder of Deep-pression as well
comes from Western Pomerania in Poland.
Dark Off this film style that the director presents
Lethargus is a similar equivalent to the work of Deep-pression
and their leader, with the difference that in the world of film.
Therefore, the band and its co-founder and director,
they decided to restore life, the original idea, music and film.
Bringing the project back to life, according to the original one
assumptions that music and cinema should be perfect
completed in a properly told story on the screen.
The plot included in the production and perfectly complemented
he builds tension with music, he talks about the mysterious
a woman living on the periphery of civilization.
Which, like many of us, struggles with fate, losing the fight
with the approaching darkness and his terrifying servant.
Production is also a shared vision,
West Pomerania, this vision takes place
somewhere in the wilderness of western Poland.
More details of the forthcoming movie premiere,
on the facebook profile of the band and the director.
At this time, I invite you to familiarize yourself with
the work of the band and the director, below the links and
production description.
movie reviews/recenzje filmu:
title: Siedlisko directors cut
tytuł: Siedlisko wersja reżyserska
year of production/ rok produkcji: 2019
cast/obsada: Iwona Gasiul
music/muzyka: Deep-pression and Rh-
and one song Deus Piano Improv II
by Mikołaj Tesla
composers/kompozytorzy (Deep-pression and Rh-):
Rh- M.v.K Grav
Varngsinn Klat Ba Razor
S. Letaliis A.O.SH.
additionally three songs from solo albums Rh-
dodatkowo trzy utwory z solowych albumów Rh-/
tracks/ utwory: Oceanic, 1-I, and The Marsh
which is also in the trailer/ który jest również w
Screenplay and direction as well as costume desing and stage design/
Scenariusz i reżyseria jak również desing kostiumów oraz scenografia:
camera, editing and post-production/
kamera, montaż i postprodukcja:
the film was mounted and released in/
film był montowany i wydany w:
Dark Off Studio 2019
casting cast/casting obsady:
Małgorzata Lacmańska nad TZN Szczecinek
song publisher in the soundtrack/
wydawcy utworów w soundtracku:
Singularity Publishing
Valse Sinistre Productions
Broken Tree Records
executive producer of the film/
producent wykonawczy filmu:
Lethargusfilm 2019
band links/ linki zespołu:
direktor links/ linki reżysera:
Kategoria: Krótkie filmy i animacje
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