FV215b (183) (10,6K Damage) | World of Tanks
Player: ZOO_Legend_Trent
Tank: FV215b 183 (X)/(10)
Map: Abbey, Standard
- Gun Rammer
- Bounty Turbocharger
- Bounty Aiming
Project for a heavy SPG based on the Conqueror Mk II tank with a 183 mm gun and rear placement of the traversable turret and fighting compartment. The vehicle was designed to counter Soviet heavy tanks at long range (up to 1,829 m) and should have been able to withstand return fire from 122 mm guns at a distance of up to 500 m. After the development of 193 mm Malkara anti-tank rocketswhich were a cheaper and more efficient choice for countering the IS-series tanksthe vehicle lost its relevance. The project was canceled shortly after a dummy vehicle was built.
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