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Igrzyska Olimpijskie Paryż 2024
obejrzysz za darmo w TVP Sport
XM57 (9,1K Damage) | World of Tanks
Player: God_Pack
Tank: XM57 (VIII)/(8)
Map: Studzianki, Encounter
- Innovative Loading System
- Improved Compressor
By the mid-1950s, the idea of turret-mounting a partially rotating gun had emerged. The XM57 was developed according to this principle. A special feature was that the crew was located not in the turret, but in a cabin behind it, which meant that the turrets dimensions could be reduced. Loading was fully automated. The gunner would have aimed using cameras in the turret, but a periscopic rotating reticle was also planned for the top of the cabin. The commanders cupola would have been mounted with a remote-controlled AA gun in order to tackle airborne targets. The project existed only in blueprints.
#BOSSWoT #WoT #worldoftanks #WoTReplays #BOSS
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