FSV Scheme A (9 Frags/5,8K Damage) | World of Tanks
Player: angry_vitecek1
Tank: FSV Scheme A (VII)/(7)
Map: Prokhorovka, Standard
In December 1961, a decision was taken to combine the requirements for the GSOR 1106 and 1010, creating a basic chassis that could be used as a platform for a whole family of combat vehicles. Two years later, the GSOR 3301 specification was created, which also entailed a wheeled versatile variant. Five versions were planned, of which a gun-armed armored scout vehicle was considered to be of higher priority. However, the 6-wheeled version of the GSOR 3301 with all-wheel drive turned out to be larger and heavier than planned, which was the main reason for discontinuing the project.
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