113 (8 Frags/11,9K Damage) | World of Tanks

Tank: 113 (X)/(10)
Map: Ghost Town, Standard

Development on model 113 was started in 1963. The vehicle was conceived as an alternative to the WZ-111 and used parts and components of medium tanks. However, the project was canceled due to the development of main battle tanks.

#WoT #WorldofTanks #WoTReplays #BOSS #BOSSWoT

*Version:1.22.011:39 10 11:39113 (8 Frags/11,9K Damage) | World of Tanks 1080p 1080p

Dodał: splawik414

114 SP2 (12,2K Damage) | World of Tanks

Player: Meanju
Tank: 114 SP2 (X)/(10)
Map: Cliff, Standard

A proposed project for a heavy tank destroyer based on parts and components from the Soviet T-10 heavy tank and elements from the experimental WZ-111 heavy tank. An armored cabin was developed for a 152 mm gun. The distinctive feature of the vehicle was the ability to rotate its turret 360 degrees. Existed only in blueprints.

#WoT #WorldofTanks #WoTReplays #BOSS #BOSSWoT

*Version:1.23.115:40 10 15:40114 SP2 (12,2K Damage) | World of Tanks 1080p 1080p

Dodał: splawik414

116-F3 (9K Damage) | World of Tanks

Player: sagalartem
Tank: 116-F3 (X)/(10)
Map: Abbey, Standard

In the late 1970s, Chinese designers continued the development of a next-generation main battle tank. At this stage, they already had great experience in studying Western tank building designs, including those of the U.S.A. and Germany. The 116-F3 was a reserve project that differed in its elongated hull and suspension with seven pairs of support rollers. All this provided the opportunity to further improve the engine cooling system, as well as to enhance the frontal armor and integrate alternative designs of the main armament.

#WoT #WorldofTanks #WoTReplays #BOSS #BOSSWoT

*Version:1.22.114:50 0 14:50116-F3 (9K Damage) | World of Tanks 1080p 1080p

Dodał: splawik414

121B (6 Frags/8,1K Damage) | World of Tanks

Player: lilwank
Tank: 121B (X)/(10)
Map: Glacier, Standard
- Bounty Hardening
- Bounty Stabilizer
- Bounty Rammer

 The upgraded version of the 121 Chinese medium tank, developed in the 1960s. Unlike the prototype, the 121B was equipped with a modern 105-mm rifled gun, improved suspension, and reinforced front armor. The vehicles of this modification were equipped with infrared lamps and a laser rangefinder. The 121B aiming system had a higher firing accuracy than that of the Type 59.

#WoT #WorldofTanks #WoTReplays #BOSS #BOSSWoT

*Version:1.26.108:20 8 08:20121B (6 Frags/8,1K Damage) | World of Tanks 1080p 1080p

Dodał: splawik414

121B (10,3K Damage) | World of Tanks

Player: M1nd_Breaker
Tank: 121B (X)/(10)
Map: Studzianki, Standard
- Innovative Loading System
- Venting System
- Stabilizing Equipment System

 The upgraded version of the 121 Chinese medium tank, developed in the 1960s. Unlike the prototype, the 121B was equipped with a modern 105-mm rifled gun, improved suspension, and reinforced front armor. The vehicles of this modification were equipped with infrared lamps and a laser rangefinder. The 121B aiming system had a higher firing accuracy than that of the Type 59.

#WoT #WorldofTanks #WoTReplays #BOSS #BOSSWoT

*Version:1.24.007:48 9 07:48121B (10,3K Damage) | World of Tanks 1080p 1080p

Dodał: splawik414

A-43 (5,9K Combined Damage) | World of Tanks

Player: Ximsa
Tank: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?listPLw8HMNSv_bMjsaoQVO81eK5HFXTKurCYe
Map: Prokhorovka, Standard
- Improved Ventilation
- Coated Optics
- Turbocharger

 The project was developed by the Construction Bureau of Kharkov Komintern Locomotive Factory No. 183. The vehicle was designed to replace the T-34. The development was based on the results of examining the most modern German vehicles of that time. The mockup committee studied the materials and proposed a number of improvements. However, after the beginning of war, all work on the vehicle was discontinued.

#WoT #WorldofTanks #WoTReplays #BOSS #BOSSWoT

*Version:1.26.109:53 3 09:53A-43 (5,9K Combined Damage) | World of Tanks 1080p 1080p

Dodał: splawik414

A-44 (7 Frags/4,6K Damage) | World of Tanks

Player: Little_Silly_Schizo
Tank: A-44 (VII)/(7)
Map: Himmelsdorf, Standard

 The project was developed at Factory No. 183 by engineer I.S. Ber in April 1941. The vehicle was to be manufactured in three versions with different armor, armament, combat weight, and speed characteristics. The creation of the prototype was scheduled for the beginning of 1942. However, the project was discontinued due to the outbreak of the war and evacuation.

#WoT #WorldofTanks #WoTReplays #BOSS #BOSSWoT

*Version:1.25.104:31 3 04:31A-44 (7 Frags/4,6K Damage) | World of Tanks 1080p 1080p

Dodał: splawik414

AMBT (7,5K Damage/6 Frags) | World of Tanks

Player: iTzGodlyz
Tank: AMBT (VIII)/(8)
Map: Ruinberg, Standard
- Bounty Ventilation
- Mobility Improvement System
- Stabilizing Equipment System

 In the early 1970s, the project was proposed by Captain Timothy R. ONeill, a Project Officer of Army Armor and Engineer Board at Fort Knox. It was supposed to decrease the vehicles size and weight to the detriment of its armor. Mobile and stealthy vehicles were considered to counteract anti-tank weapons of that time more effectively. It was planned to use solutions from German Leopards, as well as parts and components of M60 tanks of various modifications. No prototypes were built.

#BOSSWoT #WoT #worldoftanks #WoTReplays #BOSS 

*Version:1.27.011:29 15 11:29AMBT (7,5K Damage/6 Frags) | World of Tanks 1080p 1080p

Dodał: splawik414

AMX 50 B (10,3K Damage) | World of Tanks

Player: lc0004
Tank: AMX 50 B (X)/(10)
Map: Studzianki, Standard

 Developed starting in 1951 by DEFA, the state weapons design bureau. By 1958, the AMX 50 B received a number of improvements, including a low-profile cast hull and torsion-bar suspension. A new oscillating turret with a 120-mm gun was also mounted on the vehicle. Despite the fact that the Maybach engine power provided just 1,000 h.p., specialists from the German Gruppe M company were looking for a solution that would allow the vehicle to reach a speed of up to 65 km/h. Only one finished prototype of this variant was built.

#WoT #WorldofTanks #WoTReplays #BOSS #BOSSWoT

*Version:1.26.115:40 14 15:40AMX 50 B (10,3K Damage) | World of Tanks 1080p 1080p

Dodał: splawik414

AMX 50 Foch B (9,5K Damage) | World of Tanks

Player: Durmics_fall_david
Tank: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?listPLw8HMNSv_bMjRUxFCzVj7gSTIRlyyiZxU
Map: Empires Border, Standard
- Improved Final Drive
- Increased Shell Resistance
- Mobility Improvement System

 The project of the AMX 50 Foch tank destroyer with a 120 mm gun provided for installing the automatic loading system. However, after work on the AMX 50 120 with the same armament started, the project was deemed potentially inefficient. Existed only in blueprints.

#WoT #WorldofTanks #WoTReplays #BOSS #BOSSWoT

*Version:1.25.110:07 0 10:07AMX 50 Foch B (9,5K Damage) | World of Tanks 1080p 1080p

Dodał: splawik414