01:09 83 01:09Various Fruit Dove species at the zoo 1080p 1080p

Dodał: NesuwahLunastar

11:57 122 11:57Various types of shapeshifting in movies 1080p 1080p

Dodał: NesuwahLunastar

I just love her character. Too bad she ended up the way she did. Her love for Nivellen was so tragic... Makes me want to actually watch the series... Song by Kerli.03:03 251 03:03Vereena (The Witcher) tribute - Savages 720p 720p

Dodał: NesuwahLunastar

My personal tribute for the first, the oldest and in my personal oppinion, also the most beautiful Draculas bride. I wish we could see more of her, but great characters tend to die quickly... Enjoy03:50 305 03:50Verona (Van Helsing) - Maria Magdalena 720p 720p

Dodał: NesuwahLunastar

Najpiękniejsza (wraz z Meinir XD) wilczyca w serialu. Mam nadzieję, że się spodoba03:22 429 03:22Victoria (Wolfblood) - Free Animal 720p 720p

Dodał: NesuwahLunastar

A tribute to the sexiest, most beautiful wolfblood ever (except of Meinir of course). Enjoy03:22 118 03:22Victoria (Wolfblood) - Free Animal 720p 720p

Dodał: NesuwahLunastar

The size of the spider Vs the size of the web O_O00:16 5 00:16Wait for it LOL 1080p 1080p

Dodał: NesuwahLunastar

Tak, to mój film. Omyłkowo wstawiony anonimowo, teraz naprawiam ten błąd. Piosenka Everybody Wants To Rule The World Tears For Fears.04:05 1379 04:05Walter (Mroczna Wieża) 480p 480p

Dodał: NesuwahLunastar

song - Im An Albatross by Aronchupa & Little Sis Nora02:45 126 02:45Wandering Albatross tribute (Aronchupa) 720p 720p

Dodał: NesuwahLunastar

source: 47 Ronin  Joan D. Vinge00:22 81 00:22We all can relate to this, cant we? 1080p 1080p

Dodał: NesuwahLunastar

05:45 695 05:45Werebears tribute - Gyongyhaju Lany 720p 720p

Dodał: NesuwahLunastar

00:48 48 00:48What birds feather is this? Any ideas? 1080p 1080p

Dodał: NesuwahLunastar

00:55 149 00:55What the heck is she doing? 1080p 1080p

Dodał: NesuwahLunastar

Wspaniała, piękna, inteligentna i utalentowana, wokalistka zespołu Heilung jest mi bliższa, niż jakikolwiek inny artysta występujący w dzisiejszych czasach. Mam nadzieję, że się spodoba :-)05:37 224 05:37W hołdzie Marii Franz - Black Diamond 720p 720p

Dodał: NesuwahLunastar

piosenka - Duke Dumont Ocean Drive 03:25 527 03:25W hołdzie cudownej Marinie Abramović 720p 720p

Dodał: NesuwahLunastar

00:36 3 00:36Wij kenijski

Dodał: NesuwahLunastar

Film Kristofera Witta. Zapożyczony za wiedzą i zgoda autora. Enjoy :-)09:18 198 09:18Wilcza Matka (Mother Wolf) - napisy PL 720p 720p

Dodał: NesuwahLunastar

Another one and I hope You enjoy it as much as the first one. No music this time, cause some footage I use is heavely copyrighted and I dont want to risk taking the video down :-) Enjoy :-)
NOTE: Sorry for my misstype. Of course Ursula was potrayed by Mellissa McCarthy and Jessica Alexander in her Vanessa form. My bad. Should be more careful, but I was really damn tired, stitching these together, I hope Youre not mad at this.41:55 96 41:55Witches And Wizards from movies Part 2 1080p 1080p

Dodał: NesuwahLunastar