Sometimes all we need is a bit of love... Sometimes gives, sometimes taken... Some appreciate it, others throw it away as if it wastnt ment for them... Which is true of You? At times we get cold inside, thinking that all that happens to us can be explained by hormones, electric impulses in our brain and body reactions, foolishly rejecting the Truth that we are countless times much more than that. We never will be our body, or mind. We HAVE a body and we HAVE a mind, but what makes us is our core... Our soul... What those of You reject so foolishly as a superstition or darkness of the mind, could illuminate You to a Truth more Real than all the teachings of the world combined. A Truth You will never accept, until You trully experience it for Yourself AND will be open enough to accept it for what it TRULLY is... There is no delusion, where Your heart lays. Theres no disturbance, where eyes cannot see, but yet YOU see everything, clearer than ever. Dive into the abyss and never come back. Its acknowledging the One and Only Truth that have ever existed on the world... Love... Dive in. Yes, it looks back as You look at it, but thats how it should be. Thats the Only Way.... And its much... much better this way... Trust me... It will be ok
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