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Dołączył(a): 2019-11-29
Want to get full show in a DVD/BD quality? Go here: http://gameplayerbootlegs.cba.pl/articles.php?article_id1077 and write to me!

Band: Komandos
Where: MOSiR, Warsaw, Poland
When: 22.07.2017
Length: 80 minutes

Anna Małkowska - vocals
Mateusz Balcer Balcerkiewicz - guitar
Stanisław Serwatowski - guitar
Jeremi Metronom Grodek - bass
Sebastian Kredek Cieciera - drums

01 Heart of Steel
02 Afterfall
03 Symphony of the Night
04 Spiders
05 Heaven and Hell
06 Stronger Force
07 Twierdza ze stali (Dominik Wachu Wachowski on vocals)
08 Tam zawsze ja (with Dominik Wachu Wachowski on vocals)
09 Miłości brak (Dominik Wachu Wachowski on vocals)
10 The Passion (Dominik Wachu Wachowski on vocals)
11 Breaking the Law (Dominik Wachu Wachowski on vocals)
12 Power & Fire (Dominik Wachu Wachowski on vocals and Konrad Zieliński on bass)
13 Wehikuł czasu (with Dominik Wachu Wachowski on vocals)

***MY AUTHORING***05:52 44 05:52Komandos - Afterfall (Live) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings

Band | Zespół: Komandos
Where | Gdzie: Klub Smok, Otwock, Poland
When | Kiedy: 01.12.2018
Length | Długość: 46 minutes

Paulina Szatan Jankowska - vocals | wokal
Mateusz Balcer Balcerkiewicz - guitar | gitara
Stanisław Serwatowski - guitar | gitara
Jeremi Jerry Grodek - bass | bas
Sebastian Kredek Cieciera - drums | perkusja

01 The Priest
02 Spiders
03 Angel
04 Memories of Time
05 Symphony of the Night
06 Stronger Force
07 Hubble Telescope

Do you want to watch a full show? Support me on Patreon and gain access to hours of live footage recorded by myself!

Do you want to get a full show in a DVD/BD quality? Go here: https://gameplayerrecordings.jimdofree.com/bootleg-list/komandos/2018-12-01-otwock-poland/ and write to me in order to trade!


Jeśli chcesz obejrzeć cały koncert, wesprzyj mnie na Patreon i zdobądź dostęp do godzin koncertów nagranych przeze mnie!

Jeśli chcesz otrzymać koncert w wersji DVD/BD, wejdź na https://gameplayerrecordings.jimdofree.com/bootleg-list/komandos/2018-12-01-otwock-poland/ i napisz do mnie by się wymienić!06:21 44 06:21Komandos - Angel (Live) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings

Want to get full show in a DVD/BD quality? Go here: http://gameplayerbootlegs.cba.pl/articles.php?article_id1026 and write to me!

Band: Komandos
Where: Heavy Metal Night, VooDoo Club, Warsaw, Poland
When: 20.01.2017
Length: 63 minutes

Anna Małkowska - vocals
Mateusz Balcer Balcerkiewicz - guitar
Stanisław Serwatowski - guitar
Jeremi Metronom Grodek - bass
Sebastian Kredek Cieciera - drums

01 Twierdza ze stali
02 Heart of Steel
03 Holy Diver
04 No Love
05 Afterfall
06 Heaven and Hell
07 Tam zawsze ja
08 Witch
09 Power & Fire
10 Rock You Like a Hurricane

***MY AUTHORING***03:33 23 03:33Komandos - Heart of Steel (Live) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings

Want to get full show in a DVD/BD quality? Go here: http://gameplayerbootlegs.cba.pl/articles.php?article_id1080 and write to me!

Band: Komandos
Where: Heavy Metal Holiday III, VooDoo Club, Warsaw, Poland
When: 23.06.2017
Length: 43 minutes

Anna Małkowska - vocals
Mateusz Balcer Balcerkiewicz - guitar
Stanisław Serwatowski - guitar
Jeremi Metronom Grodek - bass
Sebastian Kredek Cieciera - drums

01 Heart of Steel
02 Spiders
03 Symphony of the Night
04 Afterfall
05 Heaven and Hell
06 Stronger Force
07 Hubble Telescope

***MY AUTHORING***07:00 39 07:00Komandos - Spiders (Live) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings

Want to get full show in a DVD/BD quality? Go here: http://gameplayerbootlegs.cba.pl/articles.php?article_id1006 and write to me!

Band: Komandos
Where: Pub Taaka Ryba, Wołomin, Poland
When: 18.05.2016
Length: 41 minutes

Jeremi Jerry Grodek - vocals
Konrad Zieliński - guitar
Sebastian Kępka - guitar
Mateusz Zadroga - bass
Piotr Plecier Grodek - drums

01 Twierdza ze stali
02 Commandos
03 Tam zawsze ja...
04 Highway to Hell 
05 Purpurowa mgła
06 Trash In My Head
07 T.N.T 
08 Power & Fire

***MY AUTHORING***04:22 36 04:22Komandos - Trash in My Head (Live) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings

Want to get full show in a DVD/BD quality? Go here: http://gameplayerbootlegs.cba.pl/articles.php?article_id1090 and write to me!

Band: Korpus
Where: Drukarnia, Warsaw, Poland
When: 30.09.2017
Length: 83 minutes

Janusz Johan Stasiak - vocals
Wiktor Pietrzykowski - guitar
Marek Czaszka Balaszczuk - guitar
Cezary Dziadek Łostowski - bass 
Piotr Mucha Muszyński - drums
Włodek Mariano Tyl - keyboards

01 XL Size
02 Nafta
03 Respekt
04 Bal żebraków
05 Imperator
06 As
07 Nienasyceni @Info[Live premiere]
08 Poste Restante
09 CBA @Info[intrumental, live premiere]
10 Poker
11 Arbeit
12 Esemes
13 Projektanci mód
14 Tajemnice
15 Piękna
16 Żądło

***MY AUTHORING***04:05 107 04:05Korpus - Piękna (Live) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings

Want to get full show in a DVD/BD quality? Go here: http://gameplayerbootlegs.cba.pl/articles.php?article_id248 and write to me!

Band: Kvelertak
Where: Sonisphere Festival 2014, Stadion Narodowy, Warsaw, Poland
When: 11.07.2014
Length: 43 minutes

Erlend Hjelvik - vocals
Vidar Landa - guitar
Bjarte Lund Rolland - guitar
Maciek Ofstad - guitar, vocals
Marvin Nygaard - bass
Kjetil Gjermundrød - drums

01 Åpenbaring 
02 Spring fra livet 
03 Mjød 
04 Sultans of Satan 
05 Bruane Brenn 
06 Ulvetid 
07 Fossegrim 
08 Offernatt 
09 Blodtørst 
10 Kvelertak 

***MY AUTHORING***04:18 28 04:18Kvelertak - Kvelertak (Live) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings

Want to get full show in a DVD/BD quality? Go here: http://gameplayerbootlegs.cba.pl/articles.php?article_id1273 and write to me!

Band: Lady Killer
Where: Potok, Warsaw, Poland
When: 08.03.2019
Length: 39 minutes

Wiktor Gabor - vocals
Krzychu Skóra - guitar
Michał Broniewicz - guitar
Rafał Lach - bass
Ania Tkaczyk - drums

01 We Dont Need Your Law
02 Im In The Jail
03 Hidden Town
04 Hard Working Man
05 I Believe in a Thing Called Love
06 Look at Me
07 Wroom Wroom

***MY AUTHORING***06:49 40 06:49Lady Killer - Wroom Wroom (Live) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings

Want to get full show in a DVD/BD quality? Go here: http://gameplayerbootlegs.cba.pl/articles.php?article_id1124 and write to me!

Band: Lady Strange
Where: Quality Hard Rock, Main Stage, VooDoo Club, Warsaw, Poland
When: 01.12.2017
Length: 36 minutes

Iga Frida Lola Domańska  vocals
Sebastian Van Kempke Kępka - guitar
Mikołaj Juicy Mike Błaszczyk - guitar
Mateusz Matt Beav Zadroga - bass
Mateusz John Rakovsky Mrozik  drums

01 NTN
02 Awesome Time
03 Devil Woman
04 Fire!
05 Show Me How To Live (with memebers of Mith and Red Cape Wolf)
06 Idol
07 Sweet Sweet Miami

***MY AUTHORING***03:48 27 03:48Lady Strange - Awesome Time (Live) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings

Want to get full show in a DVD/BD quality? Go here: http://gameplayerbootlegs.cba.pl/articles.php?article_id1212 and write to me!

Band: Lady Strange
Where: Quality Hard Rock: Summer Edition, Summer Stage, VooDoo Club, Warsaw, Poland
When: 18.08.2018
Length: 46 minutes

Iga Frida Lola Domańska  vocals
Mikołaj Juicy Mike Błaszczyk - guitar
Mateusz Matt Beav Zadroga - bass
Mateusz John Rakovsky Mrozik  drums

01 Awesome Time
02 Breaking Free
03 Sunshine Avenue
04 Echo
05 Simple Riffs
06 Idol
07 Sweet Sweet Miami
08 1000 Miles Hangover
09 Evil Eyes (with Maciej Uba on vocals)
10 Courage03:09 28 03:09Lady Strange - Awesome Time (Live) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings

Want to get full show in a DVD/BD quality? Go here: http://gameplayerbootlegs.cba.pl/articles.php?article_id1344 and write to me!

Band: Lady Strange
Where: Stage 2, VooDoo Club, Warsaw, Poland
When: 15.06.2019 
Length: 80 minutes

Iga Frida Lola Domańska  vocals
Mikołaj Juicy Mike Błaszczyk - guitar
Filip Phil Blade Brzeski - guitar
Mateusz Matt Beav Zadroga - bass
Jakub Jacob W. Black Wójcik  drums

01 Intro
02 Flying High Is My High (My Time)
03 Awesome Time
04 Sunshine Avenue
05 Simple Riffs
06 Butterfly
07 1000 Miles Hangover
08 Fire!
09 Sweet Sweet Miami
10 B.O.B 
11 My Own Myself
12 Sound of Utopia
13 Strangers in Paradise
14 Evil Eyes 
15 Courage

***MY AUTHORING***04:21 22 04:21Lady Strange - B. O. B. (Live) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings

Want to get full show in a DVD/BD quality? Go here: http://gameplayerbootlegs.cba.pl/articles.php?article_id1112 and write to me!

Band: Lady Strange
Where: Quality Hard Rock Summer Edition, Summer Stage, VooDoo Club, Warsaw, Poland
When: 26.08.2017
Length: 82 minutes

Iga Frida Lola Domanska  vocals
Sebastian Van Kempke Kępka - guitar
Mikołaj Juicy Mike Błaszczyk - guitar
Mateusz Matt Beav Zadroga - bass
Mateusz John Rakovsky Mrozik  drums

01 NTN
02 Awesome Time
03 Devil Woman
04 Fire!
05 Idol
06 Sweet Sweet Miami
07 Butterfly
08 1000 Miles Hangover
09 Helena
10 Simple Riffs
11 Strangers in Paradise
12 Cherry Pie
13 Evil Eyes
14 Harnold
15 Bla Bla Bla

***MY AUTHORING***03:48 25 03:48Lady Strange - Bla Bla Bla (Live) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings

Want to get full show in a DVD/BD quality? Go here: http://gameplayerbootlegs.cba.pl/articles.php?article_id1054 and write to me!

Band: Lady Strange
Where: Potok, Warsaw, Poland
When: 31.03.2017
Length: 48 minutes

Iga Frida Lola Domanska  vocals
Sebastian Van Kempke Kepka - guitar
Mikołaj Juicy Mike Błaszczyk - guitar
Mateusz Matt Beav Zadroga - bass
Mateusz John Rakovsky Mrozik  drums

01 Breaking Free
02 Devil Woman
03 Fire!
04 Idol
05 Sweet Sweet Miami
06 Awesome Time
07 Evil Eyes (With Maciej Uba on vocals)
08 Harnold
09 Butterfly
10 1000 Miles Hangover

***MY AUTHORING***05:06 26 05:06Lady Strange - Butterfly (Live) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings

Want to get full show in a DVD/BD quality? Go here: http://gameplayerbootlegs.cba.pl/articles.php?article_id1251 and write to me!

Band: Lady Strange04:15 31 04:15Lady Strange - Courage (Live) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings

Want to get full show in a DVD/BD quality? Go here: http://gameplayerbootlegs.cba.pl/articles.php?article_id1160 and write to me!

Band: Lady Strange

Where: Quality Hard Fest, Magnetofon, Łódź, Poland
When: 13.04.2018
Length: 52 minutes
Source: 1 DVD5/1 BD25
Type: Audience Shot

Iga Frida Lola Domańska  vocals
Sebastian Van Kempke Kępka - guitar
Mikołaj Juicy Mike Błaszczyk - guitar
Mateusz Matt Beav Zadroga - bass
Mateusz John Rakovsky Mrozik  drums

01 Awesome Time
02 Sunshine Avenue
03 Fire!
04 Idol
05 Butterfly
06 Sweet Sweet Miami
07 Simple Riffs
08 Evil Eyes
09 Strangers in Paradise
10 Courage05:47 26 05:47Lady Strange - Courage (Live) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings

Want to get full show in a DVD/BD quality? Go here: http://gameplayerbootlegs.cba.pl/articles.php?article_id1066 and write to me!

Band: Lady Strange
Where: Adopcja na Rockowo 2017, XIX Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Powstańców Warszawy, Warsaw, Poland 
When: 21.04.2017
Length: 46 minutes

Iga Frida Lola Domańska  vocals
Sebastian Van Kempke Kępka - guitar
Mikołaj Juicy Mike Błaszczyk - guitar
Mateusz Matt Beav Zadroga - bass
Mateusz John Rakovsky Mrozik  drums

01 Breaking Free
02 Devil Woman
03 Fire!
04 Sweet Sweet Miami
05 Idol
06 Awesome Time
07 Evil Eyes (With Maciej Uba on vocals)
08 Blind
09 1000 Miles Hangover (shortened version)

***MY AUTHORING***03:21 24 03:21Lady Strange - Devil Woman (Live) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings

Want to get full show in a DVD/BD quality? Go here: http://gameplayerbootlegs.cba.pl/articles.php?article_id1192 and write to me!

Band: Lady Strange
Where: Quality Hard Rock, VooDoo Club, Warsaw, Poland
When: 16.06.2018
Length: 56 minutes

Iga Frida Lola Domańska  vocals
Mikołaj Juicy Mike Błaszczyk - guitar
Mateusz Matt Beav Zadroga - bass
Mateusz John Rakovsky Mrozik  drums

01 Breaking Free
02 Awesome Time
03 Devil Woman
04 Echo
05 Sunshine Avenue
06 Simple Riffs
07 Idol
08 1000 Miles Hangover
09 Evil Eyes (with Phil Blade on guitar and Maciej Uba on vocals)
10 Courage (with Phil Blade on guitar)
11 Cherry Pie (with Phil Blade on guitar)
12 Mother (Adam Radziłowski of The Option on bass; without drums)

***MY AUTHORING***03:00 24 03:00Lady Strange - Echo (Live) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings

Want to get full show in a DVD/BD quality? Go here: http://gameplayerbootlegs.cba.pl/articles.php?article_id1231 and write to me!

Band: Lady Strange
Where: Leśniczówka, Chorzów, Poland
When: 09.09.2018
Length: 45 minutes

Iga Frida Lola Domańska  vocals
Mikołaj Juicy Mike Błaszczyk - guitar
Filip Phil Blade Brzeski - guitar
Mateusz Matt Beav Zadroga - bass
Jakub Jacob W. Black Wójcik  drums

01 Intro
02 My Own Myself
03 Echo
04 Breaking Free
05 Awesome Time
06 Simple Riffs
07 Idol
08 Fire!
09 Sweet Sweet Miami
10 Evil Eyes (with part of Guns & Roses Paradise City and outro of Awesome Time)

***MY AUTHORING***05:18 25 05:18Lady Strange - Evil Eyes (Live) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings

Iga Frida Lola Domańska  vocals
Mikolaj Mickey Clark Zewierzejew - guitar
Sebastian Van Kempke Kępka - guitar
Mateusz Matt Beav Zadroga - bass
Mateusz John Rakovsky Mrozik  drums

01 Evil Eyes (with Jeremiasz Grodek on backing vocals)
02 Harnold
03 Han Valen

***MY AUTHORING***04:33 29 04:33Lady Strange - Evil Eyes (Live) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings

Want to get full show in a DVD/BD quality? Go here: http://gameplayerbootlegs.cba.pl/articles.php?article_id1033 and write to me!

Band: Lady Strange
Where: Piwnica Music & Beer, Bydgoszcz, Poland
When: 17.02.2017
Length: 68 minutes

Iga Frida Lola Domanska  vocals
Sebastian Van Kempke Kepka - guitar
Mateusz Matt Beav Zadroga - bass
Mateusz John Rakovsky Mrozik  drums

01 Grown Up (soundcheck)
02 Def Leppard - Lady Strange (intro)
03 Breaking Free
04 Devil Woman
05 Mother (with Maciej Uba on vocals)
06 Fire!
07 Idol
08 Sweet Sweet Miami
09 Awesome Time
10 Evil Eyes (With Maciej Uba on vocals)
11 Harnold
12 Blind
13 1000 Miles Hangover

***MY AUTHORING***03:29 24 03:29Lady Strange - Fire! (Live) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings

Want to get full show in a DVD/BD quality? Go here: https://gameplayerrecordings.jimdofree.com/bootleg-list/lady-strange/2020-09-06-warsaw-poland/
Band: Lady Strange
Where: Potok, Warsaw, Poland
When: 06.09.2020
Length: 70 minutes

Frida Lola - vocals
Juicy Mike - guitar
Phil Blade - guitar
Matt Beav - bass
Jacob W. Black - drums

01 Light... (intro)
02 My Own Myself
03 Sunshine Avenue
04 Flying High Is My High (My Time)
05 Sound of Utopia
06 Milky Chance
07 Simple Riffs
08 Fire!
09 Sweet Sweet Miami
10 Jamaica
11 Grunge
12 Evil Eyes
13 Awesome Time

Filming: Gameplayer
Audio: Potok (venue - soundboard) & Gameplayer
Authoring: Gameplayer03:51 26 03:51Lady Strange - Grunge (Live) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings

Want to get full show in a DVD/BD quality? Go here: http://gameplayerbootlegs.cba.pl/articles.php?article_id969 and write to me!

Band: Lady Strange
Where: Beerokracja, Warsaw, Poland
When: 01.10.2016
Length: 40 minutes

Iga Frida Lola Domańska  vocals
Mikolaj Mickey Clark Zewierzejew - guitar
Sebastian Van Kempke Kępka - guitar
Mateusz Matt Beav Zadroga - bass
Mateusz John Rakovsky Mrozik  drums

01 Grzegorz Traczewski & Tomasz Wojciechowski announcement
02 Breaking Free
03 Devil Woman
04 Grown Up
05 Mother
06 Evil Eyes (with Anna Małkowska on backing vocals)
07 Groove
08 Harnold

***MY AUTHORING***07:00 30 07:00Lady Strange - Harnold (Live) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings