Band | Zespół: Killer
Where | Gdzie: Goleniów Metal MayDay, Rampa Kultura, Goleniów, Poland
When | Kiedy: 13.05.2022
Length | Długość: 82 minuty
Paul Shorty Van Kamp - vocals, guitar | wokal, gitara
Ken Jakke Van Steenbergen - bass, vocals | bas, wokal
Ivan Vanne Opdebeeck - drums | perkusja
01 Blinded
02 Bodies and Bones
03 No Future
04 Monsters of Rock
05 Shock Waves
06 Back Shooter
07 Kleptomania
08 Secret Love / Battle Scars / Back To The Roots / Maybe Our Interests Are The Same / Easy Rider / Touch Of Evil
09 Laws Are Made to Break
10 Wall Of Sound
11 Ready For Hell
12 A Matter of Time
13 Ace of Spades (Motorhead cover)
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