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Dołączył(a): 2016-03-23
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At the beginning we put a lighted candle on the water surface on the plate. Nstępnie nakryliśmy glass candle so that the water shut off the air supply to the candles. Then, we have observed that the candle goes out, and the water level increases significantly in the glass.

This experiment showed us that the candle does not need air to burn, but only oxygen. If the oxygen content decreases during combustion, then the candle goes out. And when the oxygen is "used up" his place is taken by water, as nature hates a vacuum.02:30 150 02:30Candle and Water - Cool science experiment 480p 480p

Dodał: ytigor30

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Build your Cartesian diver. Fill the bottle with water and learn how to change the pressure inside.01:55 415 01:55Cartesian diver - physics experiment 720p 720p

Dodał: ytigor30

Cool Gauss Magnet Gun Coilgun - How to Build It00:43 1056 00:43Cool Gauss Magnet Gun Coilgun - How to Build It 1080p 1080p

Dodał: ytigor30

Watch this: http://myfree-ecards.net/ - Multimedia music ecards on-line

Cool experiment - the oil bubble floats in the middle of the cup. See how to mix alcohol, oil and water.03:49 170 03:49Cool Oil Bubble In Alcohol and Water 720p 720p

Dodał: ytigor30

Ferrofluid - magnetic fluid, a substance with properties similar to those of the liquid as possible, which, in contrast to typical liquid at ambient conditions is good and is strongly paramagnetic magnetic polarization in the presence of external magnetic fields.01:01 1085 01:01Fun with Ferrofluid in a bottle 1080p 1080p

Dodał: ytigor30

Gaussian Gun Magnetic Accelerator00:31 1102 00:31Gaussian Gun Magnetic Accelerator 1080p 1080p

Dodał: ytigor30

How to Remove a Ping Pong Ball Dent00:37 410 00:37How to Remove a Ping Pong Ball Dent 1080p 1080p

Dodał: ytigor30

Reakcji krwi z 30% roztworem nadtlenku wodoru - perhydrolem01:31 924 01:31Krew i nadtlenek worodu 1080p 1080p

Dodał: ytigor30

Low Temperature Stirling Engine from banggood.com
Buy this:  http://www.banggood.com/Low-Temperature-Stirling-Engine-p-74187.html
Banggood.com flash deal: http://bit.ly/1Uhpa9Y

Very fantastic craftsmanship, made with Metal Alloy
Being a Gift, or a Display on your desk or anywhere !
The hotter it gets, the faster it goes!
This low temperature stirling engine,
It run on warm / cold surface, and it requires a small difference in temperatures to run.01:48 111 01:48Low Temperature Stirling Engine from banggood.com 1080p 1080p

Dodał: ytigor30

Magic Gravity Ball - physical experience01:29 1195 01:29Magic Gravity Ball - physical experience 1080p 1080p

Dodał: ytigor30

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Such a large yo-yo is scientifically known as "Maxwell's Pendulum." This is a big circle, rigidly attached to the minor axis. It develops slowly down, then pulls itself back up. Almost without end.01:29 824 01:29Maxwell's wheel Pendulum 720p 720p

Dodał: ytigor30

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Nitinol is a type of shape memory alloy, which, after deformation returns to its original shape, if he will provide the heat or electricity. The effect is amazing and incomparable to anything else that has similar properties.00:39 338 00:39Memory Wire - Nitinol 720p 720p

Dodał: ytigor30

Micro Robot from a cellular vibrator and a toothbrush

Built using simple components, recycled materials and economic parts.00:56 375 00:56Nano Bicho (Bug) Micro Robot Nanobots 1080p 1080p

Dodał: ytigor30

The light propagates in a homogeneous medium in a straight line at a constant speed. In vacuum, this speed is 299 792 458 m / s and is marked with the letter C. The material in the centers of the light travels at a slower speed, for example, water has a value of 224 799 383 m / s

             Falling on the boundary of two media material, light can be absorbed, scattered, reflected and refracted. Which of these events occurs, depending on the type of material encountered by the light beam. Frequently we are dealing with partial absorption and scattering of light. If, however encounters the surface is polished metal surface, then there is an almost perfect reflection of the phenomenon.01:28 481 01:28Refraction Of Light 1080p 1080p

Dodał: ytigor30

In physics, a standing wave -- also known as a stationary wave -- is a wave that remains in a constant position.

В физике, стоячая волна - также известный как стационарная волна - это волна, которая остается в постоянном положении.00:56 458 00:56Standing Wave in a Glass of Wine 1080p 1080p

Dodał: ytigor30

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Burning candles consume oxygen. Flame causes combustion of waste in the form of carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is heavier than air but convection currents that cause carbon dioxide accumulates at the top of the jar. Therefore, the candle goes out from highest to lowest.00:35 259 00:35Three candles and mystery - magic trick HD 720p 720p

Dodał: ytigor30