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Dołączył(a): 2016-03-23
Candle Sound wave  physical experiment01:58 488 01:58Candle Sound wave physical experiment 1080p 1080p

Dodał: ytigor30

Potassium nitrate is a colorless or white crystalline solid. Its melting point is 334 ° C. When heated to 400 ° C decomposes to oxygen and potassium nitrite.

Potassium nitrate is an oxidizing agent. For this reason, its main use was to produce black powder. Currently used in pyrotechnics as an oxidant, such as to produce pulses or short and very light pulses generated during the combustion of a mixture of fine particles of metal nitrate. When mixed with a saccharide such as sucrose, in stoichiometric proportions and melt forms a flammable substance (known as caramel or caramel) with a melting point of 400 ° C, the temperature reaches 600 ° C and produces a lot of smoke.01:32 346 01:32Combustion of potassium nitrate and coal - KNO3 1080p 1080p

Dodał: ytigor30

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How to create a non-Newtonian fluid, using only cornstarch and water? See some of the properties of non-Newtonian fluid whose viscosity is not constant in isobaric conditions, but their value changes over time.02:58 116 02:58Cornstarch Water Maizena Goo Amazing Fluid 720p 720p

Dodał: ytigor30

Cube Bubble - Square Bubble Experiment 

Music from http://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary
Smart Riot  - Huma-Huma (1:54)02:14 493 02:14Cube Bubble - Square Bubble Experiment 1080p 1080p

Dodał: ytigor30

Dry ice videos - Experiments Compilation

Music from http://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary
First Day - Huma-Huma 1:5901:32 405 01:32Dry ice videos - Experiments Compilation 1080p 1080p

Dodał: ytigor30

Hot water plus a bit of potassium permanganate and almost immediate results. Solution changes the color of the color purple.

After the addition of citric acid solution after a few minutes of pure again is clear.01:35 2013 01:35Potassium permanganate and citric acid 1080p 1080p

Dodał: ytigor30

KMnO4 - an inorganic chemical compound potassium permanganate acid (that does not exist in free form).01:23 2028 01:23Potassium permanganate and salt 1080p 1080p

Dodał: ytigor30

An explanation of how solar cells work. Solar cell, photovoltaic cell, photovoltaic cell, photovoltaics - a semiconductor. Suitable for an introduction to solar energy.

Объяснение того, как солнечные батареи работают. Солнечная батарея, фотоэлемент, фотоэлектрические ячейки, фотовольтаики - полупроводник Подходит для введения в солнечной энергии.00:50 312 00:50Solar Panel - Solar Cell - Energy from the Sun 1080p 1080p

Dodał: ytigor30

Stirling Engine from banggood.com
You can buy it: http://bit.ly/1KXujlT
Banggood.com the flash deals: http://bit.ly/1Uhpa9Y01:08 518 01:08Stirling Engine from banggood.com 1080p 1080p

Dodał: ytigor30