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Dołączył(a): 2016-03-23
Lenz's Law and Lenz's law, also known as the rule of contradiction - a rule setting the direction of the magnetic field induced in the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction. It was named after Heinrich Lenz, who formulated it in 1834.
Any change in the magnetic induction B in a given area involves the formation of vortex surrounding electric field E, which in turn (if possible) induces an electrical current opposite of that change.

It says that the current induction (also called secondary shock) raised in the guide under the influence of an alternating magnetic field is always the direction of the magnetic field generated counteracts secondary cause (ie the change of the original magnetic field), which it has occurred.00:30 412 00:30Demonstration of Lenz Law 1080p 1080p

Dodał: ytigor30

Neodymium magnet - a permanent magnet, produced from the compound of neodymium, iron and boron Nd2Fe14B. It is manufactured by powder metallurgy methods or pressing powders in a magnetic field components at elevated temperatures. These magnets produce a very strong magnetic field, which translates into a great power of attraction. The Curie temperature is from 310 to 330 ° C.01:12 1718 01:12Fun with neodymium magnets - Amazing magnets 1080p 1080p

Dodał: ytigor30

Lenz´s Law - Copper & Magnet00:47 1703 00:47Lenz´s Law - Copper & Magnet 1080p 1080p

Dodał: ytigor30

Levitron zamknięty w bańce mydlanej01:33 556 01:33Lewitująca zabawka w bańce mydlanej 1080p 1080p

Dodał: ytigor30

Micro Magnetic Gun | Magnet Arrow01:00 399 01:00Micro Magnetic Gun | Magnet Arrow 1080p 1080p

Dodał: ytigor30

Neodymium magnets and fat copper pipe

Music from http://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary
First Day - Huma-Huma 1:5902:46 1732 02:46Neodymium magnets and fat copper pipe 1080p 1080p

Dodał: ytigor30

Magnes neodymowy w miedzianej rurce02:16 608 02:16Prawo Lenza w praktyce 1080p 1080p

Dodał: ytigor30