My favorite part of etire ceremony + trully stuning lyrics. Forgive me this shitty watermark, but my old Movie Maker crushed and I quickly rushed to install an alternative, but it seems that registration on this one is not for free... I have a trial version for now... Ill try to fix it as soon as possible.
Biancheggia labisse
la via vertiginosa
conduce tra la vita e la morte
se non vuoi destare
la valanga che dorme
percorri in silenzio le vie dellorrore
un ponte si libra in alto
sul ciglio del baratro orrendo incurvato
non fu costruito da mano di uomo
nessuno avrebbe tentato
siede alta lumionsa la regina
su intramontabile trono
la fronte circonda magnificamente
unadamantina corona
vi scocca il sole le frecce di luce
che solo indorano senza scaldarla
Oh and if anyone of You knows the names of these singers in black, I would be eternally grateful for that information
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