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Opublikowano: 2015-11-08

Moja relacja z targów BEAUTY FORUM w Budapeszcie :) Enjoy :)
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Music Released by Tasty
Song title: TheFatRat - Xenogenesis
Music Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nabH71Bgyc

Today you will find here a short summary of BEAUTY FORUM BUDAPEST 2015, which took place on the 7th and 8th of November in Millenaris (Kis Rókus utca 16-20, Budapest 1024). The venue seems to be a pretty cool place, looking at some upcoming events: PHOTEXPO 2015 or NLCAFÉ WINTER FESTIVAL (check their FB for English info), during which you will have the opportunity to use your DIY skills in creating jewelry, Christmas decorations, or decorating cookies and cupcakes.

To sum up, I consider BEAUTY FORUM BUDAPEST 2015 successful and worth visiting. I hope that the organizers also spotted the problem of too high temperature inside, and next time they will adjust it a bit. Also, the tickets could be a bit cheaper, or the high price could be compensated with a coupon or a little gift. I am looking forward to visiting BEAUTY FORUM BUDAPEST 2016 and to attending some other events at Millenaris.

If you’re planning to visit NLCafé Téli fesztivál in two weeks time, let me know! I am up for meeting people and maybe you are also crazy about hair ;). Check out my INSTAGRAM for some more pics of my hair and other funny stuff :)

Kontakt ze mną: http://wwwlosy.pl/kontakt/ // wwwlosypl@gmail.com
Zajrzyjcie też na http://facebook.com/napieknewlosy i na Insta http://instagram.com/napieknewlosy

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Komentarze do: BEAUTY FORUM BUDAPEST 2015
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