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If someone was thinking or hoping this game going into right direction can be dissapointed because day after day , update after update it getting worse and developers do not know how to fix that game, how to fix problems that overwhelming them, problems that should be fixed asap. But unfortunately in addition there is some transition time and they not fixing too much at the moment. They putting new content and leaving problems such bugs,glitches, cheaters and etc. for later. But it can be too late if many players leave that game because of them. Well i hope they will wake up from that dream earlier then later otherwise i dont know what is gonna happen.

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1805 godzin bajek dla dzieci.
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Nowe, wygodne metody aktywacji.
Komentarze do: Warface - Unplayable match: Motel - FFA 2021 06 06 22 54
Autoodtwarzanie następnego wideo
