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Band: Black Dog
Where: Łódź Gone Wild, Magnetofon, Łódź, Poland
When: 11.05.2018
Length: 43 minutes
Bon Vivant (Paweł Markowski) - vocals
Acid Deville (Karol Kulesza) - guitar
Stiffler Anderson (Maciej Stolarczyk) - guitar
Hippie Banzai (Karol Konarski) - bass
Emil Leśkiewicz - drums
01 Steal My Show
02 What You See Is What You Get
03 Slave to the Grind (with Mateusz Matt Uściłowski of SteelFire o second vocal)
04 Ekipa
05 Blef
06 Its So Easy
07 Żądza
08 Shout at the Devil
09 Knockout
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