Want to get full show in a DVD/BD quality? Go here: https://gameplayerrecordings.jimdofree.com/bootleg-list/leash-eye/2020-09-19-warsaw-poland/and write to me!
Band: Leash Eye
Where: XV Klasz Ov The Sejtans, Remont, Warsaw, Poland
When: 19.09.2020
Length: 77 minutes
Łukasz Queju Podgórski - vocal
Arkadiusz Opath Gruszka guitar
Marek Marecki Kowalski bass
Marcin Bee Gees Bidziński - drums
Piotr Voltan Sikora keyboards
01 Intro
02 One Time Two Times
03 Headin For Disaster
04 Open up, Chris
05 Bones
06 Moonshine Pioneers
07 On fire
08 Me & Mr. Beam
09 Lady destiny
10 On The Run
11 Last call
12 S.B.F. Anthem
13 Well oiled blues
14 The Nightmover
Filming: Gameplayer
Audio: Paweł Wegner (venue - soundboard) & Gameplayer
Authoring: Gameplayer
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