Want to get full show in a DVD/BD quality? Go here: https://gameplayerrecordings.jimdofree.com/bootleg-list/striker/2018-11-14-tychy-poland-3rd-version/ and write to me!
Band: Striker
Where: Underground Pub, Tychy, Poland
When: 14.11.2018
Length: 61 minutes
Dan Cleary - lead vocals
Chris Segger - guitar
Timothy Brown - guitar
William Wallace - bass
Adam Brown - drums
01 Intro
02 Heart of Lies
03 Born to Lose
04 Phoenix Lights
05 Lethal Force
06 Crossroads
07 Former Glory
08 Too Late
09 Out for Blood
10 Pass Me By
11 Head First
12 Full Speed or No Speed
13 The White Knight
14 Fight for Your Life
Filming: Gameplayer
Authoring: Gameplayer
Soundboard audio: Underground Pub
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