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Dodał: Donut Media
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Opublikowano: 2021-04-28

Thanks to The Zebra for sponsoring todays video. Click https://bit.ly/TheZebraMoneyPit to learn everything you ever wanted to know about car insurance.

Thank you to Optimist Studios http://www.optimiststudios.com for letting us shoot this wicked fun Zebra Ad in their lot! Check em out!

Thank you to our good friends at EAD Exotics-https://www.eadexotics.com/ for helping us get out hands on cool cars to do fun stuff with!

Thanks to DDE-EFI for all the help on the dash!

So we opted to go the fancy route and swap our Miata gauge cluster for a supercar-like digital dash! Now the problem is that we cant read fuel levels or oil pressure! So today we fixed those problems by adding some aftermarket bits to our ECU!

Money Pit is where you get to learn about cars as we work on them. Each ep well breakdown how each component works and then well upgrade it. Join us in our journey to build cool cars, learn about them, and drive the crap out of them!

Some of our best videos ever are coming out soon, stay tuned so you wont miss a thing!
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Donut Media is at the center of digital media for the next generation of automotive and motorsports enthusiasts. We are drivers, drifters, and car enthusiasts who love to tell stories.

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Komentarze do: Digital Dash Upgrade - Was it Worth It?
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