What if the afterlife was scientific fact? Join us... and find out!
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Many people believe in the afterlife. It could be heaven and hell, reincarnation... or a sci-fi style future world when we all exist on computer drives! But what if there was no need to just believe in it? What if we PROVED THE AFTERLIFE? In this video, Unveiled imagines an alternate world where EVERYTHING changes... but for better, or worse?
This is Unveiled, giving you incredible answers to extraordinary questions!
0:00 Start
0:37 Is Life After Death Real?
1:44 Terror Management Theory
3:32 Subconscious Fear of Death
5:41 What Form Does the Afterlife Take?
6:43 How Do We Get to the Good Place?
7:40 Conclusions
Find more amazing videos for your curiosity here:
Does Your Brain Know When Youre Dead? - https://youtu.be/Ya4KJdKZzOE
Does Anything Outside Your Own Mind Exist? - https://youtu.be/wVZt_wHYplQ
#Millennial #Boomer #GenZ
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