Enigma - Love sensuality devotion [Full album]
00:00 - The landing
01:07 - Turn around
05:00 - Gravity of love
09:01 - T.N.T for the brain
14:20 - Modern Crusaders
18:15 - Shadows in silence
22:36 - Return to innocence
26:53 - I love you..I'll kill you
34:56 - Principles of lust
38:07 - Sadeness
42:24 - Silence must be heard
47:12 - Smell of desire
51:46 - Mea culpa
56:19 - Push the limits
1:00:09 - Beyond the invisible
1:05:01 - Age of loneliness
1:09:13 - Morphing thru time
1:14:40 - The cross of changes
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