I like Dean and The Vampire Diaries, decided to combine it together.
The Vampire Diaries
Memories-Within Temptation
Elena-You;re mad.
Stefan-Yeah,Im mad.You lied to me.
E-I didint lie.I jusr didint tell you.
S-Come on,Elena,yo lied to me.
Dean-You have no idea how much I missed you.
E-Ive been so selfish because,I love you so much.But its over.
E-Im so sorry it has to be.
D-I have a problem I need help with.Its relly messing with my mind.
Jo-Tell me about it.
D-Im in love with a women I can never have.
J-So,whay cant you have her?Shes with another man I assume?
D-Yeah,Thats not the piont.The point is Im in love with her and its driving me crazy.Im not in control.
E-When Im with him it just consumes me.And I know that I cant love them both.I know that its wrong but I when I choose one then Ill lose the other.And I dont want to lose anyone else.
D-If it my choice,Id wanna be with you forever.I love you.You can say it.
D-The thing youre been wanting to say,but been afraid og how it make me feel please.
E-Its just I get to this place where Im okay,and then you ahow up of out door.
You keep doing hat every time I think,Im never gonna see you again.Im trying to get over you.
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