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Dodał: WatchMojo.com
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Opublikowano: 2020-12-30

Check out more episodes of this new series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?vvVgP1UgrEf0&listPLmZTDWJGfRq1utg_2T-BzfvivzgH6RmPI

Read WatchMojos editor-in-chief & founder discuss how this project came to be: https://contextisking.com/2020/12/26/how-geek-culture-overtook-pop-culture/

Once upon a time, fantasy was a niche genre, and passionate fans were often pigeonholed. But these days, wizards, dragons and elves are pop culture staples. Gather around Bagginses and Boffins, Tooks and Brandybucks, for the second episode in our series How Geek Culture Became Pop Culture, where we look at fantasys epic journey over the last 100 years. Our story starts with pulp fiction writers like H. P. Lovecraft and Robert E. Howard, sojourns in Middle-earth and Narnia, before stopping by Hogwarts, as the road goes ever on! How the wheel of time turns eh? Tell us how YOU first got into fantasy in the comments!

Check out these other great videos:
Top 10 Fantasy Books: https://youtu.be/93RlS_Vi0C8
The Best Fantasy Films of All Time from A to Z: https://youtu.be/2_3SCsyCD90
Top 10 Fantasy Movies of All Time: https://youtu.be/93RlS_Vi0C8

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Komentarze do: From Hobbits to Harry Potter: How Geek Culture Became Pop Culture - Ep. 2
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