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In this episode: Today marks the beginning of a war all over the South Pacific and Southeast Asia. How will the world change from here?
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Source list: http://bit.ly/WW2sources
Hosted by: Indy Neidell
Written by: Spartacus Olsson and Indy Neidell
Directed by: Wieke Kapteijns
Executive Producers: Astrid Deinhard, Indy Neidell, Spartacus Olsson, Bodo Rittenauer
Produced by: Astrid Deinhard and Spartacus Olsson
Co-Producers: Maria Kyhle and Francis van Berkel
Edited by: Iryna Dulka
Set Design by: Astrid Deinhard
Graphic Design by: Mikolaj Uchman
Map Animations by: Daniel Haczyk and Eastory
Assistant Editors: Miki Cackowski, Daniel Weiss, Karolina Dołega
Still Colorizers: Adrien Fillon, Norman Stewart, Jaris Almazani, Daniel Weiss, Mikolaj Uchman, Carlos Ortega Pereira
Research by: Indy Neidell, Spartacus Olsson, Markus Linke, Wieke Kapteijns, Bastian Gaete, Lewis Braithwaite, Tim Smith, Ian Irungu
Sound Design by: Marek Kamiński
Dogfights by: Daniel Weiss, Bastian Gaete, Ian Sowden, Dennis Stepanov
Mitsuo Fuchida - Daniel Grieb
Ada Peggy Olsson - Shani Neidell Beard
Iyōzō Fujita - Emi Celis
James Anderson - Emi Celis
Dorinda Stagner - Zora Johnson
Jack Kelley - Ryan Socash
James McClelland - Spartacus Olsson
Phil Rasmussen - Spartacus Olsson
Dan Wentrcek - Dennis Stepanov
Thompson Izawa - Samir Mechel
Robert Isacksen - Ian Sowden
Joseph K. Taussig Jr. - Tim Smith
James Cory - Ryan Tebo
Film colorization by: Ricks Film Restoration
Naval Gameplay by: World of Warships
Archive material provided by: Reuters/Screenocean
A TimeGhost chronological documentary produced by OnLion Entertainment GmbH.
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