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A video from the Kabbalah Me youtube channel, where the whole creation of Adam/Eve issue is considered:
Maybe I didnt explain it well enough in the video:
The translator/editor of the English version of the Zohar that Billy and I use is Rav Michael Berg. As I understand he is current responsible for the Kabbalah Centre (remember the semon demons from part 1? Thats the organization!).
He originally makes the claim that the two types of cholesterol are mentioned in the Zohar.
On you can find his comments on this issue.
What you need to do to get to it, is to register at and then go to Pinchas.
But be warned! It is the same kind of nonsense!
Heres an article Billy wrote about cholesterol in the Zohar:
Crank level ULTRA:
The paper about Kabbalah and String Theory that i read from:
Some crankish materials regarding Kabbalah and the Big Bang that I had to work my way through:
The Arizal passage that I read out is one of the few available online. I just want to say that I did not study Lurias stuff to any significant extent, as I only found the Tree of Life in its Hebrew version (yes, you guessed it, I dont speak Hebrew).
If I got any of the Hebrew terms wrong, please correct me. I relied on the dictionaries for that.
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