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Endorama is the ninth studio album by German thrash metal band Kreator released in 1999 by Drakkar Records. The gothic metal influences were the most prominent on this release, and Lacrimosa frontman Tilo Wolff provided guest vocals on the title song.


1. "Golden Age" 0:00
2. "Endorama" 4:50
3. "Shadowland" 8:10
4. "Chosen Few" 12:38
5. "Everlasting Flame" 17:08
6. "Passage to Babylon" 22:31
7. "Future King" 26:56
8. "Entry" 31:40
9. "Soul Eraser" 32:44
10. "Willing Spirit" 37:15
11. "Pandemonium" 41:50
12. "Tyranny" 45:58

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W katalogu: Metal
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