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Dodał: That's My Story
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Opublikowano: 2020-06-19

Im Lucy. I go to a very prestigious high school that is really hard to get into. The tuition there is really expensive, too. People often say You need to be both smart and rich to be admitted into this high school. Each year the school gives scholarships to 50 students. These students are picked based on their academic or athletic achievements. Im on the swimming team but unfortunately I dont have a scholarship. My dad pays a small fortune to the school. My best friends Jasmine and Emily are also on my team. Swimming requires discipline. We need to train regularly. And so we spend most of our days together. As if that werent enough, we also love having slumber parties whenever we can. Emily doesnt have her own room, so we have them at either my place or Jasmines. By the way, Emily gets financial aid. Unfortunately, her family is not doing so well. Of course, this doesnt stop us from being good friends. But I can feel that Emily is not too happy about not being able to host a party at her house.

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