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Dodał: That's My Story
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Opublikowano: 2020-05-01

Im Molly. Something terrible happened to me last year because of my best friend Julie. It sounds crazy but I was stuck at the bottom of the sea for 36 hours. Yes, at the bottom of the sea! Under water! For 36 hours. Which is more than a day! Youll see that Im not making it up when you hear my whole story. It all started when Julie showed me a photo. Molly, check this out. So I took her phone. Ethan, a guy that Julie met on Instagram, was holding the steering wheel of a boat and smiling. I never liked this guy and this photo made me like him even less. It was so obvious that he was just a spoiled rich kid. So? I said and gave the phone back to her. I could tell that she wanted something from me. Hes inviting us to spend the weekend on his boat I pretended not to understand. Us? How does he know me? He barely even knows you. You just message each other. She said We talked on the phone for hours last night. Trust me, hes a great guy. Come on, lets go together. I immediately said, No way. What am I going to do on a boat with a total stranger for 2 days? So she said something she knew would work.

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