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Mike's financial problems come to a head; he fights with Val and storms out. He decides to use his powers, with mixed results: he wins a lot of money, is barred from a casino and makes a new friend in the now ex croupier. While he is out, news comes that Rob has regained consciousness. Meanwhile, Gaia goes out with her new boyfriend, so Axl and Zeb decide to get drunk - although alcohol has no effect on Axl. Axl breaks into Anders house, which is well stocked. They are joined by three girls who claim to be Anders friends, but are actually conquests seeking revenge. They drug the men (including Anders, on his return) with horse tranquilizer - this, too, has no effect on Axl, so they handcuff him to a chair. Once the girls leave the room, Axl breaks free, then threatens them with a knife so that they leave. When Anders recovers, Axl, as Odin, orders him not to have sex with mortals until he permits it. Earlier, Zeb had recovered enough to see Axl break the handcuffs, so finding out about Axl's power.
Kategoria: Rozrywka
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