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Dodał: Wybrane dla Ciebie
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Opublikowano: 2020-03-02

Application Adopt a Life - Spiritual Adoption of a Conceived Child - BMS Pro Life

DOWNLOAD App Now! http://bit.ly/1pYrNSD


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Adopt a Life is the first in the world interactive app for those, who have taken up the Spiritual Adoption of a Conceived Child.
For a 9 months you will:
- not forget about daily prayer
- check the content of daily prayers
- use our ready Rosary considerations
- follow the development of your unborn baby
- hear what your adopted baby wants to tell you everyday
- hear the babys heartbeat
- observe your baby everyday with ultrasound

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The application was created by Fundacja Małych Stópek (Tiny Feet Foundation). You can support our activity with your voluntary decisions!

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Why we have created Adopt a Life :
- to educate - application lets users follow the prenatal development of the child
- to remind about commitment and to help in perseverance with prayers for 9 months
- to shape the sensitivity of a pro-lifer
- to promote the pro-life idea and help in being its witness everyday, everywhere and everytime
- to take advantage of new technologies in service of truth and goodness, and to reach a wider audience

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We are currently working on iOS version of the app as well as on the translations into other languages.
Do you have any question or sugestions? Contact us!
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Join the defenders of life!


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Fundacja Małych Stópek
13 2030 0045 1110 0000 0231 0120

For donations from a foreign bank account

IBAN: PL 13 2030 0045 1110 0000 0231 0120

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Nauki Pro Life: http://bit.ly/2lxHP6K

...to enter into action to a great strategy for the defence of life.

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Komentarze do: Application Adopt a Life - Spiritual Adoption of a Conceived Child - BMS Pro Life
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