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Dodał: GreatArt
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Opublikowano: 2013-04-30

Karaoke for kids - Yankee Doodle
Yankee Doodle went to town,
A-riding on a pony;
Stuck a feather in his hat,
And called it macaroni.

Yankee Doodle, keep it up,
Yankee Doodle dandy,
Mind the music and the step,
And with the girls be handy!

Father and I went down to camp
Along with Captain Gooding
And there we saw the men and boys
As thick as hasty pudding.

Yankee Doodle, keep it up,
Yankee Doodle dandy,
Mind the music and the step,
And with the girls be handy!

Yankee doodle, keep it up
Yankee doodle dandy
Mind the music and the step
And with the girls be handy.

Yankee Doodle, keep it up,
Yankee Doodle dandy,
Mind the music and the step,
And with the girls be handy!

There was Captain Washington
Upon a slapping stallion
A-giving orders to his men
I guess there was a million.

Yankee Doodle, keep it up,
Yankee Doodle dandy,
Mind the music and the step,
And with the girls be handy!

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Komentarze do: Dla dzieci Yankee Doodle - key F - z linią melodyczną
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