Tak dla pewności ,zaintewanych ;Jest to SOUNDTRACK . Star Wars: The Old Republic | Full Original Soundtrack Tracks/Pistas:
01 Clash Of Destiny (00:00)
02 Balmorra, The Forge (02:20)
03 Peace, The Jedi Consular (08:30)
04 The Mandalorian Blockade (13:58)
05 Coruscant, The Capital (19:24)
06 Nal Hutta, The Glorious Jewel (26:03)
07 Glory, The Galactic Republic (32:05)
08 Deception, The Sith Warrior (38:08)
09 The Siege of Alderaan (43:18)
10 Dromund Kaas, The Seat of Power (48:34)
11 Hoth, The Frozen Wastes (54:00)
12 Hope, The Republic Trooper (1:00:26)
13 Voss, The Mystic Garden (1:05:39)
14 Corellia, The Shipyards (1:11:09)
15 Alderaan, The Throne (1:20:48)
16 Treachery, The Sith Inquisitor (1:27:18)
17 Domination, The Sith Empire (1:32:58)
18 Justice, The Jedi Knight (1:38:50)
19 The Battle For Coruscant (1:44:30)
20 Bravado, The Smuggler (1:50:48)
21 The Occupation of Balmorra (1:56:14)
22 Nar Shaddaa, The Playground (2:00:46)
23 Belsavis, The Ancient Prison (2:06:50)
24 Korriban, The Homeworld (2:13:08)
25 Scum, The Bounty Hunter (2:18:28)
26 Ord Mantell, The Battleground (2:32:06)
27 Villainy, The Imperial Agent (2:29:28)
28 Tython, The Wellspring (2:33:40)
29 Taris, The Plague (2:40:40)
30 Tatooine, The Desert Sands (2:47:22)
Author/Autor: Mark Griskey, Gordy Haab, Lennie Moore and Wilbert Roget.
Kategoria: Muzyka
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