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Lluis Cera was born in Barcelona in 1967, and graduated in 1993 in Fine Arts from the University of Barcelona, specialising in sculpture. He has been awarded several prizes including First Prize for his sculpture Bancaja in 2001; he was also selected for the Miquel Casablanca Prize 1987 and the Certamen Itinerario escultorico (Sculptural Itinerary Contest) of alava in 2001. Lluis Cera has extensive expertise and experience in marble and metal carving techniques and is able to give these materials an extraordinary and unusual impression of softness and flexibility. His first sculptural works showed a more figurative influence, gradually becoming more abstract in form, with the insertion of literary texts and musical scores. He has held a large number of exhibitions in Europe, United States, Asia and Oceania.

2003 Diplom Fachbereich Skulptur an der Kunstakademie Barcelona
1986 zweiter Preis ,,Escultura de Sal - Ciutat de Cardona, Cardona 1987 Preis ,,Miquel Casablanca, Barcelona 1999 1.Preis XXVIII - Premio Bancaixa, Spanien
1995 Homes atrapats en la seva propia existencia (Manner in ihrer eigenen Existenz gefangen). SALA GASPAR, Barcelona (Katalog)
1997 Contextos (Kontexte). Galerie M Jose Castellvi, Barcelona (Katalog)
1999 Eclosiones (Aufbrechen). Capilla San Rocco, Lugano
2000 Neue Skulpturen. Walter Bischoff Galerie, Berlin
2000 La substancia dels somnis (Die Substanz der Traume). Galerie M Jose Castellvi, Barcelona
2002 Gedachtnisraume. GENO-Hauss, Walter Bischoff Galerie, Stuttgart
2003 El cel enderrocat (Der gesturtzte Himmel) Galerie M Jose Castellvi, Barcelona
2005 Tacte de paraula (Taktgefuhl des Wortes). Galerie M Jose Castellvi, Barcelona
2007 Quan les pedres parlin (Wenn die Steine sprechen). Bibliothek Xavier Benguerel, Barcelona
2008 La memoria del tacto (Die Erinnerung des Taktgefuhls). Galerie der zeitgenossischen Kunst, Madrid
2010 Anima Senza Controllo Numerico (Seele ohne numerische Kontrolle). Immaginaria Arti visive, Florenz 2012 Legami Palazzo Medicci Ricardi, Sala della Limonaia, Florence Legami. Immaginaria Arti Visive Gallery, Florence Bad Liebenzell Rathaus, together with Hans Rentschler, D
2015 Aleph Lluis Cera, ZetaEffe Galleria, Firenze I
2016 Lluis Cera, Esculturas Hotel Cuzco AC Marriott, Madrid, E Steinknoten 100Kubik Galerie, Koln, D Lluis Cera, LArcada Galeria dart, Blanes, CAT
2018 DAS GEDaCTNIS EINER BERuHRUNG Galeria Pfaff, Ochenbruck/Nuremberg D

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Komentarze do: Lluis Cera Sculpture, International Contemporary Art Fair ArtVilnius
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