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Dodał: Unveiled
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Opublikowano: 2018-10-24

Things That Sci-Fi Always Gets Wrong Subscribe: https://goo.gl/GmtyPv
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We all love a slice of science fiction. Whether its Doctor Who, Star Wars, Star Trek or Interstellar. A TV show, book or movie that throws us into another world, a futuristic existence or onto another planet. And most sci-fi stories require us to suspend our disbelief at least a little bit. But what are the things that sci-fi gets wrong more than anything else? Where are the lines between science fact and science fiction most often blurred?

What do you think? Let us know in the comments, and tell us more questions youd like us to explore!

Find more mind bending videos to satisfy your curiosity here:

What If Earth Crashed Into Another Planet - https://www.youtube.com/watch?vCcWA_z_jYmE

What If Life is Just a Computer Game? - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v2vSJzk29GFk

#SciFi #MovieMistakes #StarWars

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