Top 10 People Who Abused Plastic Surgery to Look Like Their Idol // Subscribe:
They say that imitation is the highest form of flattery Welcome to MsMojo, and today were counting down our picks for the top ten people who abused plastic surgery to look like their idol. For this list, well be looking at people whove undergone some serious surgeries to change their appearances. Its not only the cost of the surgeries were interested in, but the great lengths and sometimes disastrous consequences inflicted upon these people. Youll surely be thinking twice about plastic surgery by the time youre finished watching this!
List Entries and Rank:
10. Carolyn Anderson
9. Nadya Suleman aka Natalie Suleman
8. Matt and Mike Schlepp
7. Penny Brown
6. Jesse Garon
5. Jack Johnson
4. Tobias Strebel
3, 2 & 1???
Check out these videos below:
Top 10 Celebs Who Have Admitted to Plastic Surgery:
Top 10 Celebs Who Regret Their Plastic Surgery:
Want to see what people think about celebs and plastic surgery? Check out this voting page!
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