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Five Feet Apart (2019) - Top 5 Facts! // Subscribe:
A romance movie? Starring Cole Sprouse? Yes, please! For this list were down our picks for the Top 5 Facts About Five Feet Apart! Did you know that the movie has a heart-wrenching plot? The story of this movie may remind you of The Fault in Our Stars, but it actually has a unique twist. Both lead characters, Stella and Will, have cystic fibrosis; and because they risk catching infections from each other, they have to remain, well, 5 feet apart at all times.
List Entries and Rank:
5: It Has a Heart-Wrenching Plot
4: Its Cole Sprouses First Major Film Since Big Daddy
3: The Director Is a Well-Known Actor
2: Its Already Been Both Praised and Criticized
1: The Actors Did Their Homework
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