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10 Times Schmidt Was the Best Character on New Girl // Subscribe:
Hes everyones favorite lovable douchebag. For this list, well be looking at the most funny, sweet and memorable moments from this beloved characters run. Join MsMojo as we count down our picks for the Top 10 Best Schmidt Moments From New Girl.
List Entries and Rank:
10. His First Name Reveal
9. His Indian Dance Performance
8. Trying to Break Up Nick & Jess
7. Proposing to Cece
6. Giving Nick a Lap Dance
5. Rapping for Nick
4. Giving Himself a Pep Talk
3, 2 & 1???
Check out these other great videos:
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Top 5 Surprising Facts About New Girl:
Top 10 New Girl Moments:
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Special thanks to our user plastictongue for suggesting this idea!
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