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Another Top 10 Most Shocking Guests on Dr. Phil // Subscribe:
This show is just a treasure trove of weird people. For this list, well be looking at even more people who have shocked with their appearances on Dr. Phil. Were not only including violent or depraved individuals (although those will certainly be counted), but well also be looking at generally unhinged or abnormal people who may cause viewers to recoil in surprise or embarrassment. Our list includes Sugar Baby, The Digital Kidnapper, The 756-Pound Man, Woman Is Being Poisoned By Her Husband, Racist Against Her Own Race, and more!
10. Amy & Samy from Kitchen Nightmares
9. Sugar Baby
8. Pastor Thom & His 19-Year-Old Pregnant Girlfriend
7. The Digital Kidnapper
6. Im One of the Best Anorexics Out There
5. The Woman Who Is 1,000% Certain of a Three-Year Pregnancy
4. Woman Is Being Poisoned By Her Husband
3, 2 & 1???
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Special thanks to our user smizetillyoumakeit for suggesting this idea!
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