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Dodał: WatchMojo.com
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Opublikowano: 2019-02-27

Celebrating our 20 million subscribers with a Top 20 (TWENTY) list! Aint that grand? This is the last one today, but check out the others!
Top 20 Most Paused Movie Moments
Subscribe: http://goo.gl/Q2kKrD and also Ring the Bell to get notified // Have a Top 10 idea? Submit it to us here! http://watchmojo.com/suggest
In honor of hitting 20 million subscribers, were giving you double the mojo! For this list, were revisiting two of our classic Top 10s, going into even greater detail on movie moments that had audiences repeatedly rewinding and pausing just to confirm what they were seeing. Our list includes moments from The Lion King (1994), Iron Man (2008), Theres Something About Mary (1998), Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988), The Rescuers (1977), and more! Join WatchMojo as we count down our picks for the Top 20 Most Paused Movie Moments.

Check out these other great videos:
Top 10 Improvised Movie Moments: https://youtu.be/So9iCqdfUF4
Top 10 Heart Stopping Movie Moments: https://youtu.be/lGCnrJ45GRY
Top 10 Embarrassingly Awkward Movie Scenes: https://youtu.be/JLG12dWxX7g

Watch on WatchMojo: http://www.WatchMojo.com

Suggest a video herehttps://www.watchmojo.com/msmojo/suggest/

20) Wheres Ron?
19) The Diggler
18) The Shield
17) Im Taller
16) Zipper Trouble
15) Roller Undercarriage
14) Thong
13) Topless Frames
12) Legendary Cameo
11) Mrs. Robinson
10) Horror History
9) Extra from an Extra
8) Commando Cartoons
7) Give Up the Ghost
6) The Munchkin Suicides
5) Secret Surprises
4) Disney Debauche
3, 2 & 1???

#EasterEggs #Movies #ControversialMoments

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