Whether you were anticipating this comic book reboot or not, these are the reasons that the new Hellboy movie absolutely sucks. David Harbour and Neil Marshall couldnt bring this new movie to life, which sees the demon take on Nimue, the Blood Queen. Its no Guillermo Del Toro flick, and its definitely clear that there are more than a few reasons why Hellboy (2019) is the worst. Did you see the new Hellboy movie?
Check out these other great videos:
Superhero Origins: Hellboy - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v8cVQl4CueDU
Top 10 Best Superhero Movies of the 2000s - https://www.youtube.com/watch?vNfR6rjuyAg8
Hellboy Vs Spawn - https://www.youtube.com/watch?vL9o3TbxxaKE
List rank and entries:
10. It Has the Nerve to Tease Sequels
9. The Lackluster Soundtrack
8. A Waste of a Promising Cast
7. Packing in Too Many Characters
6. A Waste of an R Rating
5. The Inconsistent Tone
4. The Horrible Special Effects
3, 2 & 1. ???
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