It only takes a few notes to recognize these unique voices! For this list, well be taking a look at even more vocalists who have the most distinct, recognizable and overall unique singing voices in the music game! From Axl Roses distinct shriek, to the
eerily beautiful range of Nina Simone and the unmatched tonal abilities of Barry White, these singers have forever made their mark. Are there
any unique voices were forgetting? Let us know in the comments below!
#9: Louis Armstrong
#8: Robert Plant
#7: Nina Simone
#6: Axl Rose
#5: Elvis Presley
#4: Barry Gibb
#3, #2 & #1: ?
#uniquevoices #uniquevocalists #singers #uniquesingers #recognizablevoices
To check out our original list, click here:
And for more lists about your favorite vocalists check out our list of the Top 10 Vocalists of All Time:
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