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Dodał: A-M-Vpl

Trzeci duży polski MEP.
Nie jestem autorem tego klipu.
Pochodzi on ze strony http://bit.ly/25i1MAy
Twórcami są: Arczi, AceMan, Szwagier, Alt_z3, Schen, -Heero-, Sebaar, Michael (Mol), kare_reiko (Kare), Der (Derudo), inCluDe (bobok), Crossfade (Cross/fade), wyspa, ShinAMV (schen)
Do pobrania z http://adf.ly/1aYS11 lub http://mir.cr/LOUZHLWO

The third big Polish MEP.
Im not the author of this clip.
It comes from the http://bit.ly/25i1MAy
The creators are Arczi, AceMan, brother, Alt_z3, Schen, -Heero-, Sebaar, Michael (Mol) kare_reiko (Kare), Der (Derudo), include (bobok), Crossfade (Cross / fade), wyspa, ShinAMV (schen)
To download http://adf.ly/1aYS11 or http://mir.cr/LOUZHLWO


Arczi AceMan Alt_z3 Schen -Heero- Sebaar Mol kare_reiko Derudo bobok / wyspa ShinAMVschen
http://adf.ly/1aYS11 http://mir.cr/LOUZHLWO

[PL] Lista anime:
[EN] List of anime:
5 Centimeters per Second
Battle Athletes Victory
BECK - Mongolian Chop Squad
Black Lagoon
Blood: The Last Vampire
Card Captor Sakura
Di Gi Charat: Winter Garden
Early Reins
Ergo Proxy
Fate/stay night
Fullmetal Alchemist
Ghost in the Shell
Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence
Hajime no Ippo
He is My Master
Hellsing Ultimate
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni
Kiddy Grade
Koi Kaze
Lucky Star
Melancholy of Haruhi-chan Suzumiya
Now and Then, Here and There
One Piece
Peace Maker Kurogane
Ping Pong Club
Rurouni Kenshin OVA: Trust & Betrayal
School Rumble
Shingetsutan Tsukihime
Sky Crawlers
Sorcerer Hunters
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
The Animatrix
The Vision of Escaflowne
True Tears
Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust
VanDread the Second Stage
Video Girl Ai
Wolfs Rain

[PL] Muzyka:
[EN] Music:
Sonique - Sky

Disclaimer: This video is purely fan made, and I am not making any profit. It is purely for entertainment purposes and in no way meant to offend. I do not own the clips or the songs used, they belong to their rightful owners/companies. No Copyright Infringement is intended.

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Komentarze do: AMV - MEP - Polish you Memories [720p]
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